How to Attract New Landlords By Using Content Marketing

A couple of years ago, I worked with the fine folks at Fixflo to create a guide to help letting agents attract more landlords by using content marketing.

While having a sort-out of my Dropbox folders, I came across it again.

And to quote Larry David, it’s “pretty good, pretty, pretty good.”

Fixflo are brilliant at content marketing, in my opinion.

The guide was written so that it can be read in just ten minutes.

It’s filled with easy-to-implement ideas to get landlords’ attention and get them to take action and step towards your agency.

Below are pages 6 and 7 from it, a lil taster to wet your whistle, as it were.

For the full guide, drop me an email via saying: “I’ve got a spare ten minutes, you rapscallion.

P6 – How to Create Content Landlords Love

Creating content that landlords look forward to receiving can be structured around the following five things.

1)           Make sure it’s helpful to them. Pumping out Facebook posts about your agency’s listings or market share is of little / no interest to landlords. Helping them with issues that they have is.

2)           Make it easy for them to consume your content. If you are filming a ‘how to prepare your property for rental’ video, make sure it’s no more than 2 minutes long, if it’s a blog on your rental property market, then no more than 600 – 800 words, which is about 3 – 4 minutes of reading time.

3)           Make it visual – your content needs to be accompanied by images which capture the eye. There are several excellent copyright-free image websites out there.

4)           Make it trustworthy. Don’t just say the rental market in your area is booming – back it up with independent statistics from recognised sources.

5)           Make it consistent. There’s no point creating a great blog post only once every three months. You’re better off producing a good one every week (ideally), every fortnight (good), or every month (the minimum you should be aiming for).

If you can create helpful content that’s easy to consume, visually attractive, backed up by trusted sources (when needed), and consistently distributed to landlords, you’ll be onto a winner.

Jerry’s Quick Tip: Pixabay, Unsplash and Pexels are all great websites to pick up copyright-free images you can use to make your content marketing stand out.

P7 – How to Target Landlords with Your Content

Once you’ve started creating content, you’ll need to distribute it.

Below are some of the best places to publish your content marketing so landlords will see it.

Facebook – The social media giant gives you a huge opportunity to get your content in front of landlords through Facebook adverts and creating your own ‘helping local landlords’ page.

LinkedIn – A good place to share, given that a lot of property professionals have profiles on the site. Just like Facebook, there are techniques you can use that will help you find the right audiences, i.e. landlords, investors in your area.

YouTube – If you are creating video content, you want to be having it on your own YouTube channel. The age demographic of YouTube is changing, so it’s a decent place to share.

Your Database – You should already have a database of landlord clients and prospects. Content marketing is a great way to remind them how good your agency is.

Your Blog / News Section – The starting point for your written and video content. A regularly updated blog sends out a message to landlords that your agency is on the ball.

Quick Tip: Think about where your community ‘hangs out’ online, then aim to be a helpful presence in that place.

The full guide contains more tips and techniques we use to create weekly articles for non-competing estate and lettings agents across the UK.

Thanks for reading,


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